Family Support In Anaheim That Works
The Alma Family Care Center (AFCC) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting Latino communities in the local area. Our mission is to strengthen families, preserve marriages, and help at-risk children. Our educational programs are highly effective and aimed at equipping families, couples, and individuals with the skills they need to improve their family dynamic. At AFCC, we believe that engaged parents and healthy couples are instrumental in improving the educational skills, economic conditions, and social wellness of Latino families. Our services are free of charge to the public and provide various educational services and programs to help couples, families, and individuals.
VISION: “Assist Hispanic families in our local communities through highly effective educational programs.”
MISSION: “To understand the holistic needs of Latino families, marriages, and individuals to improve their quality of life.”
- Care – Show compassionate care to everyone we meet.
- Honor – Display a spirit of honor and respect.
- Real – Seek to be truthful and transparent.
- Individuality – Value the uniqueness of each person by showing sincere appreciation.
- Support – Exemplify compassionate support towards those experiencing feelings of isolation and exclusion.
- Training – Provide valuable training that enhances an individual’s skills and confidence.
Hispanic Population: There are an estimated 3,02,786 residents in Orange County, of which 34.2% are Hispanics.
Hispanic Communities: Anaheim, Santa Ana, Placentia, Fullerton, and La Habra are home to 500,000 plus Hispanic residents, of which 41.3% are working class with an average annual income of $39,000.
High Divorce Rates: Over the last 15 years, Orange County has consistently averaged about 60 divorce filings per 100 marriage licenses issued – a rate 20% higher than the national average of a 50% divorce rate.
High School dropout rates: OC Hispanics are three (3) times likelier than Caucasians to quit school. The average dropout rate of Hispanic high school students in Orange County was 23.8% as of 2009.
Data Source: California Department of Education, California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS). Accessed online at (May 2010).
High Teen Birth Rates: The Hispanic/Latina teen birth rate in OC alone was 57.4% in 2007. Hispanic/Latina teenage girls have the highest birth rate percentage among every ethnic race in Orange County and all of California, which is alarming.
- Definition: Number of births per 1,000 young women ages 15-19, by race/ethnicity of the mother.
- Data Source: California Department of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics, Vital Statistics Section, CD-ROM Public Use Birth Files; the State of California, Department of Finance, Race/Ethnic Population with Age and Sex Detail, 1990-1999, 2000-2050. Accessed online at (June 2009).
- Footnote: LNE (Low Number Events) refers to data that have been suppressed because there were fewer than 20 cases in the numerator. N/A means that data are not available. For example, data for “Multi-racial” teens are not available before 2000.
Are you in need of parenting skills or marital support?
We offer free consultations for issues related to:
- Marriage – Educational Classes and Retreats
- Parenting for both single parents and couples.
- Domestic Violence Prevention
- Abuse – Drugs, Sexual, Child, Adult, Elder, etc. (NOTE: All staff members are mandated reporters)